Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Quick Stuffed Baked Potatoes Vegetarian /Vegan Style

Go to my YouTube channel C.LynnsArt of Cooking for how this was made. Click the link at the bottom. Simple and Filling meals don’t have to take aaaalllllll day! Subscribe there,  join the email list here and follow me on Instagram @clynnsart Happy Eating!

#cooking #vegetarian #vegan # potatoes #food 


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Quinoa What To Do With It? Well...


Instagram @clynnsart, YouTube channel C.LynnsArt of Cooking 

     When deciding to buy and cook with quinoa, to me there are some things one should know... start with the cheap box flavored mixes. Usually they are already seasoned, the directions are clear and these are a decent price. If after trying some of these you like it 😂 and decide to go for the gusto and buy a bag of plain quinoa here’s my suggestions for newer cooks. 

1) Get the tiniest strainer you can find because you will lose too much quinoa when you rinse it and it’s  not cheap. 

2) Be patient and follow the directions. If the water is not soaking up you put to much in it.

3) Season it like anything else you season! In this dish pictured, I used Pink Himalayan Salt, Black Ground Pepper, Olive Oil,Oregano and Onion Powder.

4) Use it as a side dish like the picture or make it an entree by adding vegetables, beans and so on. I treat my quinoa like rice, so whatever I would do with rice I replace with quinoa. 

Enjoy your quinoa! Happy Eating!

Now on to the next blog post...

Later, Crystal 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Use A Soy Free Meat Substitute, That You Already Have!


Instagram @clynnsart, YouTube C.LynnsArt of Cooking 

     When newly removing meat or lessening it out of your diet, it can be easy to buy the latest meat substitute. Many taste good but may have to much sodium, soy, coloring and more that may not agree with your health. I found out I have a soy sensitivity so I stop trying many brands, which in turn saved me money because many are not cheap! So then I realized my beans need to be thrown in where I would put meat, the top picture shows pasta that could of had hamburger in it, instead now it has seasoned Chickpeas! (Video on YouTube 10/6/20 afternoon)  Now with the bottom picture traditionally I would of put a steak or pork chop with onions and tomatoes 🍅 on top, now seasoned Chickpeas are the star! This method applies to ALL your favorite beans, the key is use the same or similar seasoning you would of used on the meat for the beans! So steak seasoning, poultry seasoning use it and beans are staples so they are more than likely already in your cabinet so savings all around. Happy Eating! Now on to the next blog post, 

Later, Crystal #vegetarian #vegan #meatlessmonday #lunch #dinner